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Kid Friendly Recipes

mother baking

Having a tough time getting your little ones to eat their vegetables? Here I offer creative cost friendly and healthy recipes that your kids will be sure to love!

For young children I find it's all about how you spin it. If you think up a funny name for your dish and plate it colorfully they will most likely love it. Another thing that helps allot is if you let them help you prepare it. They take a real sense of pride that they helped to feed the family.


How To Save On Your Grocery Expenses

One of my biggest providers for help with grocery expenses comes from Sheryl Cuevas. She has a fabulous website called The Cents'able Shoppin that is up to date on saving deals at local groceries, retailers, and restaurants. I also follow a great website by Ryan Eubanks called Hey, It's Free! He posts all the latest and best freebies offered on the internet no strings attached. I get alot of free samples of coffee, dishwasher detergent, and toilet paper just to name a few things.

Another money saving tip if you opt to eat out don't throw out the junk mail without looking thru it first! Many times you can find some really great coupons for local dine-in restaurants or fast food restaurants. Also make sure to check out The Cents'able Shoppin article on birthday freebies. You and your family can score free food, drinks, and activities just by signing up for email subscriptions to the retailers listed!